Pachamama Supplier Spotlight

Pachamama Supplier Spotlight

We've got some great winter warmers for you lovely folks today! Atop the South American Andean Mountains are some amazing people who live their lives in the bitter cold. These people have an amazing resilience due in part to their clothing. Our Supplier Spotlight this week is a great company who makes clothes from the same materials. Today we look at Pachamama!
Sustainable Fair Trade Hazy Flock Of Sheep Blue Green Natural Wool Bobble Beanie Hat
Pachamama is the ultimate in naturally sourced, handcrafted and sustainable quality clothing. The products are handmade on a relatively small scale it is highly unlikely you will meet someone wearing the same thing. While the designs are constantly changing, the underlying style remains the same - a use of natural materials, colour and symbol.
Sustainable Fair Trade Chamonix Fur Cream White Natural Wool Headband
Pachamama itself roughly translates to “Earth Mother” from Quechua the ancient language of the Incas. They began in 1996 and have been trading in handmade wool and cotton products from Nepal as well as other goods.
Sustainable Fair Trade Handfelted Grey Bright Spot Kandinsky Cushion & Cover
All of the amazing knitwear by Pachamama is 100% ethically sourced wool for both comfort and to keep you nice and cosy! Fleece lined and fairtrade, you can’t ask for more!
Sustainable Fair Trade Sierra Nevada Denim Blue Handwarmers Natural Wool
As any good company should, Pachamama is hugely invested in fair trade and charitable practices. They promote traditional weaving and knitting techniques, provide orders all year round and develop the use of natural materials and dyes to keep the impact on both local and wider environment to a minimum while using recycled packaging as much as possible!
Pachamama Sustainable Fair Trade Finisterre Natural Wool Bobble Beanie Hat Denim Blue
Their workers in Nepal are also very well looked after! The folks at Pachamama regularly visit to make sure all their ethical standards are held up by those employees who are also paid above the national average and all treated fairly with the respect they’re due! Pachamama has also lent its support to charities such as the WWF-UK and Net4Kids.
Sustainable Fair Trade Clifden Red Blue Natural Wool Mens Bobble Beanie Hat
At Kilts Wi Hae, our customers have fallen in love with the stunning range of diverse and cosy knitwear! You can browse the entire range at the link here!
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