Working From Home
For the next few weeks our office is going to be very quiet. We’re all doing as we’re told and working from home! Safety is the name of the game at the moment and it’s completely for the best that we’ve distanced ourselves even if we’re used to being a tight unit. Everyone is in the same boat for the moment and as unprecedented as it is, we’ve survived far worse than this!
Daunting as it may be, there are plenty of positives at the moment. No one is late for work anymore but even if you sleep in there’s no traffic to contend with on the rush to work! In all seriousness, shortening the morning routine makes for a very different feeling when you sit down to begin the day with your tea or coffee. Personally, I’ve noticed that the days have been passing much quicker sat at the dining room table than at the office desk. The dog curled up at my feet has also been a very welcome addition!

Working from home does require a certain level of discipline and certainly consciousness. Come 9AM, who’s to say you won’t turn on the laptop and just leave it for a few hours, send an email or two and rely on others to do your work for you. Just because you’re getting payed to be at home doesn’t mean you should act like you’re not working. Wherever your computer and chair are, is where your work is. Regardless of what needs to be done around the house, the hoovering can wait and so can This Morning! We all need to do our bit to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Honestly, the best thing you can do for yourself is to make yourself comfy. You may feel trapped in your own home but don't think of it as home, think of it as a casual extension to the office. Since it is your home you don't need to worry about the usual work attire or even putting your face on. If you're not comfortable where you are then you'll carry the bad feeling long after you've finished. Set yourself up next to a window or even in front of the TV and pop on a music, radio or news channel for some light background noise to make sure you don't go stir crazy! Even a candle or some incense can make a huge difference.
At Kilts Wi Hae, customer interaction is one of the best parts of the job. Our customers are absolutely everything to us and it’s dreadful to think won’t see a new or a friendly face coming through the door for a few weeks. One of the hardest parts of working from home is losing that face to face chat and the personal feeling you get seeing the lovely people that come into the shop, either for a nosey or a blether. Thankfully, we live in a digital age. While we can’t physically see customers, we have a few different methods of communication. Facebook being the prime example. An informative and active Facebook page is a huge benefit to small and large businesses alike.
We get a lot of messages sent to our pages enquiring about all manner of things and the number has only increased during the past weeks. Our unique style of business has given us a healthy rapport with our older customers and a reputation of being a fun and approachable bunch and we’ve managed to translate our friendly demeanor onto our internet presence. So, if you’re dealing with us online then you’re getting the same service you’d be getting as if you walked through the door!
Find us on Facebook here! We'll be listening if you need anything!
If we continue on as we have been, staying inside and working from home, then things will be back to normal sooner rather than later. As long as you’re sat down with your laptop, you’re working. Be it at the kitchen table, the dining room, your own wee office, or even sat in the living room, treat it like you’re in the office and give it 110%, you’ll feel better for it come 5PM!